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Friday, 10 January 2025

Savage Worlds and campaign tools

Savage Worlds is renowned for being fast-paced, easy to run, and delivering thrilling, lightning-fast encounters. However, as my collection of modules and supplements for the game grew, I started noticing a trend: an abundance of “campaign tools” tailored for the system. I wanted to share some of these tools that I've been using for the past 4 years and highlight how perfectly suited Savage Worlds is for this approach.

Before diving into these tools, let’s establish what a “traditional” campaign mode typically looks like in most RPGs:

The GM prepares an adventure or uses a module with a defined beginning, middle, and end. Encounters are either pre-planned, generated from module tables, or created by the GM. The adventure’s story is premeditated, and NPCs are prepared to some degree.

With that baseline in mind, let’s explore the “alternatives” and tools found in Savage Worlds.

Monday, 30 May 2022

Let me gush about Savage Worlds Supers!


I conducted four sessions of Savage Worlds with the Super Powers Companion, and the players made an effort to schedule these sessions closely together due to their high level of enthusiasm.

Admittedly, it was their first experience with Savage Worlds, and apparently, it struck the perfect balance between 'tactics' and 'simplicity,' making it an instant hit. Interestingly, the much-maligned Power System of the Super Heroes Companion received plenty of praise. So, what factors contributed to Savage World Supers becoming a success with my friends and me? I will attempt to elucidate its appeal and explain why both experienced Savage Worlds players and complete newcomers might consider giving it a try. Additionally, I will build upon the collective knowledge shared in a previous Reddit thread to help you navigate potential pitfalls (as I encountered). More details to follow.

Thursday, 15 October 2020

The mechanics of "Neo Guanabara"


Tainá, the human Cyborg, Nogu the Lizard-Person ESPer and ANdra-DE the Android Meta Mage
Neo Guanabara is a beat'em'up inspired RPG game of the Cyberpunk Tropicalia genre.
What does that mean? How do you even play this word soup?
In this post we will explore the mechanics and game design philosophy behind it all. How Daniele Cruz aesthetic inspirations clash with the arcade-like action of games like Streets of Rage and Anarchy Reigns got turned into a turn based, tabletop rpg.

More info after the jump.

Friday, 9 October 2020

The Aesthetics of Cyberpunk Tropicalia - Daniele Cruz interview about "Neo Guanabara"


We begin our hype journey towards Neo Guanabara release with an interview to the  Co-Creator for the project, Dani Cruz.
In this interview, she tells us about her aesthetic inspiration that not only helped her find a voice for her art, but that inspired her to (co)create the game in the first place!
Neo Guanabara is a Cyberpunk game centered around a fictitious Latin America city with an emphasis on Martial Arts and some super hero elements. 

Friday, 11 October 2019

Space Odyssey - Now available

A fully featured setting book for 5e!
After one full year of hard work, we from the Playing Hero World team proudly presents a setting supplement for the world's greatest fantasy roleplaying game in its 5th edition - Space Odyssey!
Click here to get the setting, or make the jump to read more about it.

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Intergalactic Lucha Libre League - Post Mortem

I would like to reflect on the effort, the problems and the solutions done along the year-long project “Intergalactic Lucha Libre League”.
And with that, get ready for 2018 and the future of ‘Playing Hero World’ looking towards an independent publication sky.
ILLL will see a physical release very soon, too. So I best keep my memory fresh, no?